LoDoNA Board resolution concerning regulation of Needle Exchange sites


The Lower Downtown Neighborhood Association Board of Directors is very concerned about Bill 24-1791 regulating needle exchange programs which was passed by Denver City Council on January 13, 2025.

Our primary reservations about the bill are:

  1. The bill places no limits on the number and location of needle exchange sites in Denver, removing the requirement that sites cannot be located within 1000 feet of a school or day-care center, and
  2. The bill does not have adequate controls to require the registrant (site operator) to adhere to the provisions of voluntary agreements between the registrant and surrounding residents.

The LoDoNA Board is not opposing nor are we advocating for needle exchange sites. We recognize that members of our community have very different opinions about clean needle exchange programs and needle exchange sites.

However, we do believe that any bill regulating needle exchange sites should include distance restrictions, similar to those the City imposes on liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries.  We also believe that the siting and operations of all needle exchanges should conform to the wishes of the surrounding community, to preserve the community’s character and reduce the risk of disruptive behavior by IV drug users visiting the site.

The LoDoNA Board supports Mayor Johnston’s veto of this bill because we believe the City Council should draft and pass a new bill that addresses our reservations.

We encourage our members and other residents of the Lower Downtown community to write to District 10 Councilor Chris Hinds and other City Council members to make their wishes and concerns known, and to urge the Council not to override the Mayor’s veto.


January 16, 2025

2 Responses

  1. I am requesting that Denver City Council members to NOT over ride Mayor Johnston’s veto of the Denver Needle Exchange program.

  2. Having once been stuck with a needle while helping to clean up Cherry Creek, I am interested in helping clean up trash needles.

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